Home iran Iran Deploys Drones to Help Enforce Women’s Hijab

Iran Deploys Drones to Help Enforce Women’s Hijab


Iranian authorities have implemented drone surveillance on Kish Island in the south to enforce the country’s mandatory hijab laws, as shown in a video released by Iranian media.

The footage shows law enforcement agents confront and stop women in public areas, escalating the enforcement of compulsory hijab.

The news of the surveillance has sparked significant backlash on social media, with many users condemning the government’s tactics.

Critics have drawn parallels between the use of Iranian drones for military purposes in Ukraine and against Israel – and, their current domestic use against women now for the enforcement of dress codes.

The enforcement of the hijab is part of a broader initiative dubbed the Noor plan, at the directive of the Supreme Leader, which Iranian police claim responds to “national and public demand” for stricter adherence to hijab.

The physical presence of the “morality police” has intensified, particularly in Tehran’s central districts, following a period of reduction after the death of Mahsa Jina Amini in 2022. Amini’s death in “morality police” custody, which resulted from severe head injuries, ignited the most substantial protests against the regime since the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979.

The resurgence of strict enforcement occurs as the controversial “Hijab and Chastity Culture” bill lingers in legislative proceedings.

Although awaiting final approval, authorities have already started to implement its strict regulations. Women are increasingly threatened with severe punishments, including arrest and travel bans, for non-compliance with the mandatory hijab.

The bill initially passed the Iranian parliament in September 2023 but was sent back for further review by the Guardian Council, the ultimate legislative authority in Iran, signaling ongoing contention and enforcement challenges within the country.