Home iran US Politicians Slam Death Sentence for Iranian Rapper

US Politicians Slam Death Sentence for Iranian Rapper


Politicians in the United States have slammed the death sentence of Toomaj Salehi, an Iranian singer known for his dissenting views amid the ongoing uprising against the government.

Adam Schiff, California Rep., took to X on Wednesday to condemn the Revolutionary Court’s decision, which he described as an unjust sentence for merely “calling for accountability for the Iranian regime through music.”

Schiff praised Salehi’s “courage and steadfast vision of human rights in Iran,” calling him an inspiration.

Similarly, Texas Rep. Lloyd Doggett expressed his dismay on Tuesday, spotlighting the need to focus on “atrocities being committed by the Iranian regime and stand with Iranians who seek a brighter future where freedom, human rights, and the rule of law are respected.”

Amir Raeisian, one of the lawyers defending Salehi, revealed on April 24 that despite being eligible for an amnesty, Salehi was sentenced to death for charges made in 2022. The development has triggered a global outcry, underscoring the contentious use of capital punishment in political cases by the Iranian authorities.

Salehi was actively involved in the nationwide protests of 2022, a vocal supporter of protesters, detainees, and political activists throughout the uprising which erupted after the death of Mahsa Amini in morality police custody. The protests resulted in over 500 people being killed by the Iranian regime and thousands arrested.

He is the latest in a long line of executions of voices of dissent which reached a record last year, well over 800 Iranians killed amid the regime’s brutal crackdown.