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US Voters Reject Iran Nuclear Talks, Blame Tehran For Oct. 7 – Poll


A large majority of US voters say Iran is responsible for the attack on Israel, including Hamas’ attack on October 7, 2023, according to the latest Harvard CAPS-Harris poll.

This month’s poll, conducted by The Harris Poll & HarrisX, highlighted several issues regarding Iran, with the results reflecting a nationally representative sample.

Answers from over 2,000 registered American voters show that the majority see US negotiations with Iran to curb Tehran’s nuclear ambitions as futile.

While a strong majority agreed that Iran is a danger globally and should be stopped from having nuclear weapons, about 67% (2 in 3 voters) said that negotiating with Iran would not work, as Tehran will violate any deal.

Notably, skepticism over a deal with Iran over its nuclear program increased with age, with 83% of those above the age of 65 saying that Tehran would violate any deal.

Almost 70% of voters believe that sanctions and isolation are the best way to prevent Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

When questioned about whether the US should impose sanctions on Iran’s oil to prevent it from entering the market or allow Iran to continue selling its oil, a significant majority of voters, comprising 71%, said the US should sanction Iran’s oil and restrict its access to the market.

While 80% said that Iran should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons – there was a noticeable division in the 18-24 age bracket.

They are the most supportive age group for Iran being allowed to have nuclear weapons (57%), but still, a sizable minority (43%) believes Iran should be stopped from obtaining them.

Conversely, the age cohort of 65+ is the most unified in their opinion, with an overwhelming majority (96%) believing Iran should be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons.

US Voters Blame Iran for Hamas’ October 7 Attack on Israel

The poll also delved into American voters’ sentiments on Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 – when around 1,200 Israelis and foreigners were killed by thousands of gunmen. It was the worst loss of life in a single day since Israel’s founding in 1948. More than 240 people were taken hostage.

Across all age groups, a large majority of almost 75% believes that Iran is responsible for the attacks on Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah – including the October 7 attack.

The poll shows that the belief in Iran’s responsibility for these attacks increases with age, with the highest percentages among the 55-64 and 65+ age groups.

In response to Hamas’ attack, Israel’s cabinet declared war on the terrorist group and began its aerial bombardment campaign on the Gaza Strip. Tensions in the region entered new heights, when Iran and Israel entered into a period of direct conflict this month.

When voters were asked who is to blame for the escalating conflict in the Middle East, across all age groups, there was a split opinion with a significant portion blaming Iran and another significant portion blaming Israel.

Interestingly, among the 18-24 age group, there is a slight majority blaming Israel, while in the 25-34 age group, there is a slight majority blaming Iran.

Bipartisan Voters Support NATO Backing for Israel Against Iran

Other questions, related to Iran, included NATO – where voters were asked whether members of the defense alliance have a responsibility to support Israel against Iranian aggression or not.

Both Democrats and Republicans share a majority belief that NATO countries have a responsibility to support Israel against Iranian aggression. Specifically, 71% of Democrats and 68% of Republicans hold this view.

Though Israel has not sought formal membership in NATO, voters were asked whether inviting Israel into the defense alliance would deter further attacks by Iran.

Republicans and Democrats were seemingly on the same page again here – with about 62% of Republicans and 63% of Democrats agreeing that NATO should consider bringing Israel into the alliance to prevent more attacks from Iran.